As many of you know, my cousin Ryan has recently come to
Bolivia as well. It has been so amazing to have him here for so many reasons.
One reason, however, is that his fresh eyes are appreciating things that I've
already gotten used to or forgotten. When moving to a foreign field, it is more
than learning the language, it is learning the culture. These are some of my pictures
that help me appreciate the Bolivian culture!
The congregation has so much work on their hands but they never get
discouraged and thoroughly fulfill their assignment.
In a town nearby, Sipe Sipe, they serve a breakfast in
the market called Buñuelo. It is very comparable to a Funnel Cake! However,
served with hot Api it is quite scrumptious! When our service group is to meet
and work in Sipe Sipe we meet there for breakfast before getting started.
When new ones come into the congregation it is customary to
have a welcoming party which involves dancing and food! They cooked us a meal
called Pampaku which is cooked underground. They heat up the hole and leave it
covered for hours before putting in the food. It gets very, very hot and will stay hot for hours afterwards too!
Please feel free to leave comments and questions :)