Monday, November 3, 2014

A Trip Down Memory Lane

     Two weekends ago we paid a much overdue visit to the town Amanda and I used to live in, Montero. After many smiles, laughs, tears, and one giant reunion, I’d say it was a most wonderful visit indeed. Allow me to share a few highlights.

     First of all, let’s go back in time a touch. When Amanda and I arrived to Montero, (Sept 2011) we were assigned to the congregation, Naranjal of 80 publishers. At the time there was one elder, 5 servants, and 9 pioneers. The spirit in this congregation was very sad. It definitely lacked happiness to be frank. Little by little we were privileged to see the many changes that occurred. It was both rewarding and encouraging for us – which of course goes without being said.

     I am now happy to report that Naranjal has 5 elders, 11 servants, 30 pioneers, and 112 publishers!! They are also supporting two groups! One in a nearby town called Saavedra and a sign language group in Montero itself. I could not believe the growth in just 3 short years! Jehovah’s blessing is most definitely evident. Oh! And one of Amanda’s studies is now baptized. Her two sons are unbaptized publishers and her husband continues to study! Amazing.

     Also while in Montero, we went preaching one morning. A sister and I called at one home and two ladies came out and invited us to come sit down. Within the half hour of visiting with them we were able to leave 4 magazines, a brochure, a book and show the video on why study the Bible. Not only was a Bible study started that day, but the next day one of the ladies came to meeting with her daughter!

     It was very sad and hard for me to leave Montero. They had truly become a part of my family and it was hard to leave them all over again. So many memories were made there! However, it warms my heart knowing that I left Montero in the spiritually stable condition that it is in. Now….all concentration in Vinto!!


1 comment:

  1. Aww que bonito resumem dana..gracias por su excelente apoyo a montero..gracias por tu lindo ejemplo de precursora..aunque no creas aprendi mucho de vos..y asi aprendi tambien como es que tenia que ser una verdadera cristiana y una precursora....te quiero mucho mi yoguen!como te extraño!
