Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mother Tongue

     This same morning in Machajmarca, Anacleto preached to an older woman who speaks one of the native languages Quechua. I couldn't understand much of what was being said. Ok let's be honest, I understood nothing of what was being said. Nonetheless I followed along in the scriptures he was reading, as he was reading in Spanish and then translating to Quechua. He reads John 5:28,29 and then Psalms 37:29. All of the sudden the woman turns around and leaves. Surprised and concerned I ask, "what happened?" Not a moment too soon she returns with her Quechua Bible!

     Anacleto later tells me that this poor lady lost her husband to death a year ago. She said that she is waiting for the day when she will see him again in heaven. Anacleto asked her if she had known that the Bible actually speaks of a resurrection here on earth. After showing her those scriptures she had to see for herself in her own Bible and of course in her mother tongue! She was so happy to learn what the Bible really teaches. She was left with magazines and a promise of a returned visit.

I have two return visits of my own in that area who want to study the Bible! Our day in territory Machajmarca was a successful and memorable one indeed.



  1. How fat away is this territory from where you live?

    1. Fat? Haha! Its maybe 10 min in car to get to the entrance. Then it's just a ton of walking to work the territory!
