A few months back we had our CO visit. We were talking about different field service experiences that we've had and other developments in the organization throughout the world. He then jokingly said "Man, with experiences like these the new world will never come! There is just too much work still!!
Here's a fun experience I had recently:
One day we were preaching in a newly developed territory. There seemed to be what amounted to an indefinite number of newly constructed homes. Now, new territory is always exciting right? It's in a different area than you're used to, different people, families... A nice change of pace. However, while these things stand true, new territory in Bolivia isn't always a walk in the park as the saying goes. Although the homes are there, getting to these homes can be an adventure in itself.
This particular morning I was working with a newly unbaptized publisher. After walking miles throughout this territory we get to the final part. Finally. The brother directs Jeni and I along this very narrow alleyway that leads to about 10 other homes. Reaching the end of the alleyway, we realize that we are on a large hill looking upon the roofs of these 10 homes. "How will we get down?" Walking a bit further we see a rather steep, dirt walkway. It had rained buckets the night before so the dirt is now slick mud. There is no other option. Great. Hearts racing, we start to head down. Step, slide, giggle was the process of our trek down. We made it alive....only to find ourselves face to face with two barking dogs. After miraculously getting passed them, we make it to Lydia's home.
Lydia is a sweet 19year old girl with 4 other sisters. They were preparing lunch the day we visited them outside. They invited us to come sit with them as they cooked and we shared our presentation. After listening intently and responding favorably, magazines were placed. Lydia began looking through the magazine and caught a glimpse of the bible teach book photo on the back cover. Her eyes lit up and asked me if I had that book. I told her that I didn't have one with me but I could bring her one. She asked for 3 books for herself and her other sisters. I told her I would bring them that weekend. She then said, "you promise you'll come?" "I promise." I replied. "For sure, for sure, for sure?" I chuckled and assured her that I would come....subconsciously thinking of the journey I'd have to take to get there!
As promised I returned with the books. She was very thankful and gave a generous donation. We started a study with her and her sisters that day and have continued it ever since!
I also wanted to give an update on the young mom, Rosa that I had mentioned in a previous post. She still regularly holds her study and expresses her love for it every time! She has become one of my favorite studies. She has an incredible hunger for bible truth and a burning desire to do what Jehovah asks of her. She has even started having a weekly family worship night with her 2yr old daughter, Kenya with the bible stories book.
The other week we were studying about Jesus and went over the part about the cross. She was nearly disgusted with the fact that no one has told her that Jesus did not in fact die on a cross and on top of it all the cross is not even a biblical teaching but rather of pagan origen.
She says, "The majority of the people don't even realize this! Why?"
I reminded her that the "god of this system has blinded the minds of the unbelievers."
She sighs, looks down while shaking her head. She then looks at me, with pleading eyes and says, "What can we do to expose this lie, and tell everyone the truth?"
That simple question filled me with so much joy. With that kind of burning desire we will be welcoming a new publisher to Jehovah's organization very soon!!