Monday, January 5, 2015

Sipe Sipe

As we have mentioned before, the territory here in Vinto is enormous - with several towns and pueblos. However, one of particular interest is a town called Sipe Sipe. Since we have arrived, in June 2014, there has been a lot of focus towards this town with the thought of soon starting a group. Well, during our past circuit overseer visit he mentioned that any time the branch asked him where there was need in the circuit, he sent every request to Vinto. Thus, we've had a couple from Finland move into our hall, a sister from Germany, a sister from Switzerland, and several sisters and couples from around Bolivia. Now there is extra support in Vinto and enough support for a group in Sipe Sipe. 

With these specific brothers and sisters focusing all their attention to Sipe Sipe, we are proud to announce that they held their first meeting ever on Sunday, January 5 at 5:00pm. With around 30 people in attendance, there were seven studies who came. The visiting brother, who gave the public talk, had given such loving forethought to what this particular audience would need to hear. He presented it beautifully with several illustrations and experiences from nearby towns. At one point he held up his Bible and said, "this book changes lives", while making direct eye contact with the studies who came. 

To say the least, it was such an amazing privilege to be there - to be part of something so special. The Watchtower that day had spoken of the growth we see in the organization around the world and how that's proof of Jesus backing and directing. Well that could not have been a more moving Watchtower for us on that day as we were sitting there together participating in the first meeting because though we were few all I could think about is how special these people will be as a congregation together and how fast it will grow from here.    

- Karly

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!!! What a wonderful experience, thanks for sharing! Can't wait to hear about the continued progress.
