Wednesday, June 11, 2014

And .... We Are in La Paz

So, upon request, I've been asked a few times to explain myself for why and how Danielle and I ended up in La Paz instead of going all the way through to Santa Cruz.

Let me explain a few things first though. It is very unusual for me to be this persistent.  However, here were our options:

1) Go to Santa Cruz (like planned) on Wednesday June 4, land on Thursday morning, get all of our very, very heavy luggage, catch another flight to Cochabamba (which means repaying all of the luggage fees), travelling to Vinto (where Meghan and Andre live) in a small taxi, unpacking a tish, and then repacking and going back to La Paz on Thursday evening.  That would give us time on Friday to start our visa process during the week and then attend a wedding on Sunday.


2) Go to La Paz on Wednesday. That would give us time Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to work on our visa. Plus, we had friends there waiting and expecting us.

So, I was unusually determined to get off that plane. Which looking at the situation, it really shouldn't be that complicated. The plane was stopping in La Paz anyways. People get off. People get on. Then it continues through to Santa Cruz. All I wanted was to get off with all of our luggage.

I asked 8 different times. 8 different people. Here were my responses....

1) Unhelpful man through booking company, "Sure, let me look into that. It will be $1400 each to stop in La Paz".

2) Unhelpful man through American Airlines, "Nope. I'll have to rebook your ticket and charge $200 change fee to each of you plus the difference in the price of the ticket".

3) Lady 1 at DIA when we were checking in said, "Nope. I can't print a different ticket unless I change your flight which means I'd have to charge your a fee and the flight difference."

4) Lady 2 at DIA when Lady 1 walked away, "Ya... that's not possible without buying a new ticket".

5) Lady 3 at the Gate in Miami, "You will have to talk to the officials." Me,"what officials? Where?" Lady, "when you get there."

6) Flight Attendant, "It is against the government. You can't do that."

Now we have landed in La Paz, people have gotten off and officials are coming in to check carry ons and security. The door is open and I can see the city right outside. I wanted off so bad! But, at that point it felt too late and I hesitated asking.

7) Official 1, "Well... no. If you would have asked earlier maybe, but it is too late now."

8) Official 2, "Well... no. I mean, maybe. You should have asked earlier. How many bags do you have? Color? I need names. Give me your tickets."

He pulls out his walkie talkie and starts communicating that we need 4 bags off. I felt relieved that someone was finally taking action but nervous because it was so last minute! People were already boarding the plane for the continuing flight! We were asked to step to the front of the plane, then step off the plane. We could hear conversation over the walkie talkies and they kept expressing that they didn't have the bags. Now I was nervous that 3 bags would come forward and 1 would get lost in Santa Cruz. Which was a very high possibility.

Then, all of the sudden, "go ahead ladies, they have your bags." I still didn't fully believe them. Not until we walked around the corner and then there they were! All 4 safe and sound! Yay!!!!

The End :)


  1. Karly you are a nut! So happy you guys will be blogging :)

    1. Haha gotta do whatcha gotta do! :) happy you'll be reading it! Keep in touch!
      - Karly

  2. You crazy girl! Won't take no for an answer! Glad it worked out!
